Friday, April 19, 2019

Following My Shadow

As I was walking home after work today, I realized I was walking east.
My shadow stretched out in front of me, appearing to be my leader.
Hmmm. Being led by a shadow.
As I finish my walk each day along the way to Santiago de Compostela, my shadow will be behind me.
I can't lose my shadow, that darker, fuzzier part of myself, but walking west means I can at least keep it behind me, where I hope it will be less able to trip me up.

I want to walk mindfully, and make each day of my journey meaningful.
I want to be a good pilgrim.
Every day, my plan is to laugh, to make a friend, and to practice gratitude.


Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Looking Eastward

I have been thinking about walking El Camino de Santiago de Compostela for about 5 years, and now I'm in the final planning stages of my trip. Right now it's April 2019, and I will begin my camino this August. I am in Toronto, looking eastward towards Spain. Facing east towards the sunrise, the iconic symbol of new beginnings, of hope, of anticipation.

Shopping has already begun. I have been to Mountain Equipment Co-op for hiking shoes, and to the Chiropodist for orthotics to fit those shoes. I have been to Shoppers Drug Mart for bandages and blister care - products I hope not to need.

Training has already begun, with 5-10 kilometer walks 5x a week, and a nightly stretching session.

Packing has also already begun. There is a special box in my closet where I have begun to collect items for my trip. My most cherished item is a scallop shell on a red silk cord, which was lovingly bestowed upon me during a Shell Ceremony, organized by the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Company of Pilgrims on March 9, 2019. This shell will be proudly displayed on my lumbar pack as I walk westward across Spain.